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Hassan Tower Rabat


Hassan Tower in Rabat is a 140-foot (44m) red stone minaret built during the reign of Yacoub El Mansour. Construction of the Hassan Tower began in approximately 1195 AD and was intended to result in the largest mosque on earth. 
The tower which stands today is only the half of it’s intended height (86m). The reasons behind why this project came to a halt was the death of  when Yacoub al-Mansour died in 1199. This historical tower has twin brother in Seville (Spain), known as Giralda of Seville. It was built by the same ruler from the Almohad dynasty. 

Standing tall, Hassan Tower of Rabat rises above the trees
Standing tall, Hassan Tower of Rabat rises above the trees
A garden at the back of the tower
A garden at the back of the tower
Remains of the wall which encircles the Hassan Tower of Rabat
A guard on horseback is beside the external wall of the complex
A guard on horseback is beside the external wall of the complex
Only 44m of this tower was built rather than 86m
Upper section of the Hassan Tower Rabat
Upper section of the Hassan Tower Rabat
Middle section of the tower
Partial remains of the wall next to Hassan Tower Rabat
Partial remains of the wall next to Hassan Tower Rabat
Pigeons residing in one of the external walls of the complex
Some people had left bread for the birds

Main material used in the construction of this tower is made of red sandstone. Inside the tower, it has ramps which would allow muezzin to go on top of the minaret. In order to build the mosque, there were 200 columns constructed on one side of the tower. Due to it’s history, art and beauty, the tower became part of the UNESCO World Heritage list in 2012.

Supporting columns of unfinished mosque in front of the Hassan Tower of Rabat
Supporting columns of unfinished mosque in front of the Hassan Tower of Rabat
Supporting columns of unfinished mosque in front of the Hassan Tower of Rabat
The roof of the mosque supposed to sit at the top of these columns
Perfectly aligned columns beside the wall
A forest of columns between the Hassan Tower and the Mausoleum of Muhammad V
A forest of columns between the Hassan Tower and the Mausoleum of Muhammad V
Majestic looking Hassan Tower at the back of the columns
Minar Hassan seen from one of the closed gates
Minar Hassan seen from one of the closed gates