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Saint Simon Monastery - Cairo

The Monastery of Saint Simon is also known as the Cave Church. It is located in the Mokattam mountain in southeastern Cairo in a area called Zabbaleen. The Zabbaleen translates as the “Garbage People” which refers to the Chrisitian minority who live in the area and collect garbage.

The area around the church was much cleaner as compared to the Zabbaleen which I had to pass through in order to reach there. This Coptic church was established in 1975 beside the Mokattam Hill later two additions were made in order to enlarge it. The Monastery of Saint Simon is named after the Coptic Saint, Simon the Tanner, who lived in Egypt at the end of the 10th century.


This area is located opposite of the Saint Simon Church, which is also called the Cave Church
This area is located opposite of the Saint Simon Church, which is also called the Cave Church
Religious figures created on a stone
Religious figures created on a stone
This monastery is located in Zabbaleen
This monastery is located in Zabbaleen
Face of the Mokattam Hill
Face of the Mokattam Hill
Jesus is depicted in this photo
Another depiction of Jesus beside the hill
The Monastery of Saint Simon is named after the Coptic Saint, Simon the Tanner,
The Monastery of Saint Simon is named after the Coptic Saint, Simon the Tanner
This is the largest church in Egypt
This is the largest church in Egypt
The Scene of Nativity is depicted here, close to the entrance of the cave
The Scene of Nativity is depicted here, close to the entrance of the cave
More art work - Saint Simon Monastery of Cairo
A side view of the Mokattam Hill - this hill is almost visible from all corners of Cairo


This is the largest church in Egypt, apart from the religious gatherings, this church is also famous among tourists for it’s beautiful engravings made in the hill. On the face of the Mokattam Hill, a series of religious art work is created by many international artists.

To the left of the building stairs are created which bring visitors to the bottom of the St. Simon’s Cave Church. This Cave Church has a beautiful amphitheater which can hold up to 20,000 people.

Facade of the church, this section of the church is located on the ground level
Facade of the church, this section of the church is located on the ground level
A bus coming out of the parking area of the church
A bus coming out of the parking area of the church
To the left of the building stairs are created which bring visitors to the bottom of the St. Simon's Cave Church
To the left of the building stairs are created which bring visitors to the bottom of the St. Simon's Cave Church
This passage is created for quick access or for those who have mobility issues
This passage is created for quick access or for those who have mobility issues
Amphitheater of the church
Amphitheater of the church
A large projection screen is shown here with the main body of the church in the background
Rows of seats seen from inside the church, it also shows the natural look of the cave
This seating area of the church is also used for the spiritual meetings and events
This seating area of the church is also used for the spiritual meetings and events
The remains of St. Simon are also located at this site
The remains of St. Simon are also located at this site
To the right are the stairs which gives access to more flat area - to the left are the seats and stairs
To the right are the stairs which gives access to more flat area - to the left are the seats and stairs
Wooden seats and paintings on the wall
Wooden seats and paintings on the wall