The shrine of Harun Vilayat is also famous among the Armenian Christians for it’s miraculous powers. There is a disputes, who is buried here, ranging from the son of the tenth imam, the son of the eleventh imam, the grandson of the sixth imam or the seventh Imam.
Regardless what the theories say about the site, I will stick with the sign by the local government which refers this site to Harun (brother of Imamzade Ali and son of Imam Musa al-Kazim). Next to zarih, there is a small mehrab was located on the site to give the direction to Qibla, incase someone wanted to pray. On one of the walls, with the help of multi coloured tiles, an Aryan sign is created to show that Iranian people are proud of their Aryan heritage.
There were few graves built next to the shrine belonged to various people who had lived in Isfahan in the past. The names of the people who were buried there were on the rugs with a Koran and a large portrait of the deceased beside them.