Casa dos Bicos Lisbon
Casa dos Bicos in Lisbon is a historical house built in 1523 at the behest of King Brás de Albuquerque, Afonso de Albuquerque son, Governor of India. D. Bras de Albuquerque will have had contemplating similar constructions Italy in particular the Palazzo dei Diamanti Ferrara. This “House of Spikes” is an architectural curiosity, faced with diamond-shaped stones (a total of 1125). It is one of the very few buildings that survived the 1755 earthquake. In 1827, Francisco Menezes e Albuquerque, owing to debts, allowed the house to be sold at public auction.
In the past, old Muslim walls of Lisbon existed here but they were raised to make way for this house. Recent excavations had revealed remains belonging to the defensive structure. A tower from the Muslim period (part of the city defensive system)also stands inside the house. There are remains of a pavement belonging to the Muslim period in Lisbon.
Roman and Islamic Period Remains
From the Roman era, there are also four fish salting tanks discovered inside the building. A partial remains of a Roman tower and defensive wall have also been found inside the building. If this building wasn’t famous enough for its architecture, these discoveries inside the house has made it even more valuable.
A flight of stairs bring visitors to the upper level of the house where work of José Saramago is shown. The Casa dos Bicos is now the head office of the José Saramago Foundation and it shows exhibition about the life and public works of the author. José Saramago was a Nobel Prize-winning Portuguese writer.