A small numbers of Zoroastrians still live in Yazd and this is where they practice their religion of Zoroastrianism. Current Yazd Fire Temple, also known as Yazd Atash Behram or Yazd Atash Kadeh was built in 1934.
Faravahar is the main symbol of ancient Iran and it is believed that this was the guardian angel of the nation. A well known aspect of their religion is that fire plays a central role in worship ceremonies.
Facade of the Yazd Fire Temple
A circular pool is in front of the building
Faravahar is the main symbol of ancient Iran
Zoroastrians have been practicing this religion since 400 BC. The sacred fire of the temple is stated to have been burning since about 470 AD. Today, the sacred flame burns within a bronze vessel and is protected by a glass wall. It’s kept alive by a person called a Hirob, who feeds the flame dry wood several times a day.
The sacred fire of the temple is burning behind a glass door
Visitors are not allowed to go near the fire
This plaque confirms the theory of this sacred fire
Visitors inside the Fire Temple of Yazd
Visitors' room inside the temple
Three girls are posing for photo in front of the Fire Temple building