Graves of Sahaba (Companions of Holy Prophet) by Country
Sahaba Buried in Turkey
The First Siege of Constantinople (Istanbul) lasted for four years between 674-678 during the reign of Muawiyah I. There was another siege of Constantinople by the Arabs which is known as the Second Arab Siege of Constantinople in 717–718. It was during the first siege when many sahaba traveled to Constantinople… Continue Reading
Sahaba Graves in Istanbul are spread in vast area. Nearly, all of them are close to the old city wall which used to surround the Constantinople. Previously, I have written an article to document the Sahaba Graves in Istanbul… Continue Reading
Sahaba Buried in Palestine

Ubadah As-Samit was a dedicated follower of the Prophet, and believed to have fought alongside Muhammad (saw) in every major battle of the era. He is also to be one of the scribes involved in penning the Holy Quran. His conversion to Islam came at a relatively early stage of the Prophet’s hijrah from Makkah to Madina. Making him one of the first 12 to embrace the religion prior to the journey… Continue Reading