Jame Atiq Mosque of Shiraz is one of the oldest mosques in Iran and it is located in the east of Shah of Chirag. It was first built in 875 during the reign of Saffarid ruler Amr bin al-Lais. Most of the present day building dates from the 17th century. The original structure used to have six portals (iwans), few shabestans but nearly all have fallen victims of the long history of this mosque. Famous 14th century traveler Ibne Battuta mentioned Jame Atiq in his writings.
A rectangular kiosk in the middle of courtyard is known as Kuhda Khane (House of God, Mosque. The Khuda Khane was commissioned by Mahmud Shah in 1351. The main function of this building was to house the Korans. The core, which measures about five and a half by seven meters, is enveloped by two-meter wide loggias to the east, west and north.