Silves City in Portugal
Shilb (Arabic name for Silves) was one of the most important towns in the western al-Andalus. Due to its location, beside the river, the city was a hub for trade and other economic activities. The river itself was significantly wider, allowing boats to navigate. The fortunes of Silves have been closely tied to the river and city prospered. The area around the city was fertile and agriculture flourished.
A Power Struggle
As the river silted up the prosperity of Silves dwindled and the town was reduced to a population of less than 500 people. Nowadays, Silves is a great showpiece of the powerful Moorish settlement which existed here. In 1160, Silves was taken by Ferdinand I of Leon from the Muslim rule but Muslims re-took the castle from the Christian hands. He took castle from the Muslims in 1189 but soon he lost this castle in 1191. The Muslim army kept this castle for another 58 years.
Finally, Paio Peres Correia, Grand-Master of the Order of Santiago took Silves from the Muslims in 1242. There are old city walls at Rua do Mirante, probably this wall was part of the city defensive system, extended from the castle.
There is a beautiful Town Hall Square with the Town Hall seen above it. Praça do Município has few cafes around it and a central pool. More ruins of the city walls are visible at this square.
Cruz de Portugal is located at a roundabout, opposite Cemitério Municipal de Silves. The Cross of Portugal is an impressive sight, standing at 3m tall and made out of limestone. Recognised as one of the most beautiful crosses in Portugal, Cruz de Portugal has a representation of the crucifixion on one side, and on the other the Mater Dolorosa. It is believed to be 15th century or beginning of the 16th century – the base dates from 1824.
The hotel I was staying in, it was designed on Muslim architecture. Vaulted arches and oriental lamps rekindle old memories of the Muslim rule in the Iberian Peninsula. Even one room was named as ‘al-Andalus Room’ in the hotel. Corridors of the hotel were decorated with many items which remind us the great cultural influence had left here by the Muslims. I was told that this hotel was once a restaurant but later building was turned into a hotel.